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Previous OS related activities are archived in this folder. Since 2021 OS activities located in any part of the globe will be shared through our social media. This allows a quicker and more participatory approach to information sharing according to ISOS 2022-2027 strategic plan. 


Follow us to check the latest news on occupational science. Please, feel free to mention us under @ISOScience (twitter), @InternationalSocietyForOccupationalScience (facebook) and @isoccscience (instagram) or use the hashtag #ISOS in your publications so everybody can track what is happening worldwide! 

2016 Joint Research Conference

Third Joint Research Conference of

Navigating the Seas of Change: Diversity of Occupation

The Society for the Study of Occupation: USA (SS0:USA)

The Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists (CSOS)


Details of this conference can be found on CSOS Program Page (Click Here).


Sept. 28- Oct. 1, 2016

Portland, Maine


Hosted by the Occupational Therapy Department the University of Southern Maine



Australasian Society of Occupational Scientists Symposium 2016


April 21-22 , 2016

This symposium explores, at multiple levels, the contemporary western societies. The diverse perspectives brought to the discussion are given coherence by its occupational lens, focusing on occupation as both everyday participation and the mechanism by which inclusive societies are produced.

Symposium programme and speaker abstracts

Register for the ASOS (Australasian Society of Occupational Scientists) Symposium at

Call for poster abstracts closes 1 November 2015. Abstract submission guidelines Click Here

Early bird registration 1st September - 30th November 2015

- Full registration $340
- One day registration $180
- Student (Full) $290
- Student (One day) $170

From 1st December 2015 to 13th April 2016

- Full registration $375
- One day registration $210
- Student (Full) $325
- Student (One day) $190

ASOS Symposium will be held at the Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT City Campus, Auckland, New Zealand

Any initial enquiries can be made by emailing:



Passing of Emeritus Professor Ruth Marguerite Watson (1936-2014)

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of a beloved colleague and mentor, Emeritus Professor Ruth Watson on Friday 18 July. Professor Watson was UCT's first Head of the UCT Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and was the Head of the UCT Division of Occupational Therapy (OT) for many years.

Over a career spanning almost 60 years Professor Watson has been influential as a visionary leader and mentor, and her professional and personal wisdom has been held in high esteem by many. One of the first graduates of the first occupational therapy education programmes at the University of the Witwatersrand, she was also the first occupational therapist in South Africa to obtain a Masters’ degree and a doctorate. As an educator and mentor, Professor Watson inspired countless occupational therapists through her leadership and teaching at the Universities of Pretoria, Stellenbosch and Cape Town.

She laid foundations for innovative practice within and beyond traditional medical interventions, guided the development of contextually relevant undergraduate curricula, spearheaded the implementation of occupational therapy Masters and Doctoral programmes at the University of Cape Town, mentored numerous practitioners and postgraduate students towards the fulfilment of their potential. She influenced South African disability policy and rehabilitation services through her research and publications and, importantly, provided visionary leadership during challenging political transitions. As a researcher, she made an outstanding contribution to the body of knowledge of occupational therapy nationally and internationally and encouraged and inspired many occupational therapists to undertake research.

Professor Watson’s expertise has been acknowledged by professional and government organisations locally and internationally. She served as Chairperson of the Board for Occupational Therapy and Medical Orthotists and Prosthetists of the Health Professions Council of South Africa and has been in various leadership positions within the Occupational Therapy Association. She was instrumental in the transformation process of the South African Occupational Therapy Association (SAAOT) into the present Occupational Therapy


Association of South Africa (OTASA) and served as Honorary Life President of OTASA from 1979.

Professor Watson was always one step ahead, identifying and creatively addressing academic, service related and socio-political issues of critical relevance to the profession in a developing society. Her leadership helped steer the profession into a new interpretation of occupational therapy practice, an interpretation that is embedded in the context of occupational justice and the belief that meaningful occupation is a basic right for all people.

Despite retiring as Professor in Occupational Therapy from the University of Cape Town in 2002, Professor Watson continued to play a role in the evolution of occupational therapy in South Africa through research, presenting papers at conferences, supervising postgraduate students and external examining right until the end. She will be remembered as an exceptional occupational therapist who contributed substantially to the growth and development of the profession, and therapists, both locally and internationally.




Roshan Galvaan
Head of UCT Division of Occupational Therapy

ISOS Stream Discussion

The ISOS is pleased to announce its new stream discussion between August 25-September 20, 2014.

The theme of this discussion is "Developing occupational science as a critical and socially responsive discipline: challenges and opportunities". Facilitators will be Lisette Farias, Debbie Laliberte Rudman & Lilian Magalhães, from Western University, Canada.

2014 Joint International Conference in Occupational Science

The Society for the Study of Occupation (SSO): USA, the Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists (CSOS), & The International Society for Occupational Science (ISOS) are pleased to announce that registration for the 2014 Joint International Conference in Occupational Science is now open at:

The Joint International Conference will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, from October 16 to 18, 2014.

The theme of the conference is Globalization & Occupational Science: Partnerships, Methodologies & Research

We are also pleased to announce the two honoured presenters for the conference:

SSO:USA Ruth Zemke Lecture in Occupational Science by – Dr. Elizabeth Townsend

CSOS Townsend & Polatajko Lectureship by – Dr. Lynn Shaw

Remember: Early Registration Rates are available until August 1, 2014. Please sign in as a member first for membership pricing.

“Incorporating diverse research ideas into occupational therapy curricula: A dialog between researchers, teachers, clinicians, and students”


May 23, 2012

Karolinska Institutet - Campus Huddinge (Sweden)

Download program here

3rd ISOS Online Discussion Stream

Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists Conference

Edmonton, Alberta, May 2012

Society for Study of Occupation:USA Conference

Park City, Utah, October 20-22, 2011


Japanese Society for Study of Occupation - Annual Conference

Mihara, Japan, September 24-25, 2011


2011 CAOT Occupational Science Stream

The 2011 CAOT Occupational Science Stream has been announced. Please see flyer for further information.

2011 CAOT OS Stream

3rd Taiwanese Occupational Science Symposium

The 2010 3rd Taiwanese Occupational Science Symposium will be held November 27, 2010. Please see flyer for further information

2010 Taiwanese OS Symposium

2011 JSSO Occupational Science Symposium

The 2011 JSSO Occupational Science Symposium will be held December 11-12, 2010 in Okinawa, Japan. Please see flyer for further information

2010 JSSO Conference

ISOS Inaugural Online Discussion, 2010

On October 1, 2010, ISOS launched its inaugural online discussion stream to facilitate discussion amongst members as well as serve as an ongoing informal educational venue. A summary of the discussion streams can be found on the membersite of google groups. ISOS plans to continue hosting online discussion streams during the year and welcome members to contribute ideas for themes as well as to the actual discussion streams. Below is a list of streams in reverse chronological order:

  • October 1-29, 2010 - "Occuapational patterns in time and space"
    Moderated by Dr. Ruth Zemke

  • March 14 - April 10, 2011 - "Naming and framing occupation"
    Moderated by Dr. Hans Jonsson

  • Sept 5-30, 2011 - Occupation and Climate Change
    Moderated by Dr. Moses Ikiugu


Connecting the dots

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