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ISOS aims to be seen as a bridge builder within the international occupational science network, by means of facilitating connections among people and groups committed with the study of human occupation.

We keep up to date with the international OS community via our social media. Follow us to check the latest news on occupational science. Please, feel free to mention us under @ISOScience (twitter), @InternationalSocietyForOccupationalScience (facebook) or use the hashtag #IS4OS in your publications so everybody can track what is happening worldwide! 


In this section we offer information about programs, groups and projects in the field of occupational science. If you know any group, organisation or project that could be of interest for this section, please get in contact:

If you want to have access to ISOS documents, participate in our Anual General Meeting and be part of our mailing list, you can become an ISOS member by joining our ISOS Google group.

We humbly suggest a minimum donation of 15 AUD due to banking costs associated with each transaction. For donors at or above 150 AUD, ISOS can place a name or logo on the website for the duration of the fiscal year in which the donation was made.


Connecting the dots

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