1st World Occupational Science Conference
Occupation and Society: Global to Local Perspectives for the Future
The theme of this conference recognizes that all occupation occurs within context. Whether people engage in occupations individually or as part of collectives (e.g., families, neighbourhoods, communities), our societies inform our understandings of what people need, want, and are expected to do. This conference aims to enable dialogue regarding the complex relations between human occupation and society. Society is understood as a social group characterized by people involved in regular social interactions and occupations, sharing a physical or social space, and/or organized by common political and cultural expectations. This conference gives voice to ‘Glocal perspectives,’ and invites submissions ranging from local to global considerations of the relationship between occupation and society, as well as for the future of occupational science. As such, this conference invites a range of topics of interest to the international occupational science community.
Conferece date change to August 18-20, 2022
Communication from: the University of British Columbia Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy & the International Society for Occupational Science
As we look ahead to welcoming the occupational science world to Vancouver, Canada, the extraordinary circumstances of the 2020 global pandemic have caused us to give important considerations to the possibility, safety, and comfort of world travel. After we, as WOSC co-sponsors, raised concerns amongst ourselves about hosting a conference in 2021, we consulted widely with our 9-member International Advisory Council, and numerous other occupational scientists around the world. The unanimous opinion was that 2021 is too soon to host a successful international conference due to uncertainty related to travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, health insurance, and individual comfort.
We want to ensure that our international colleagues are able to and feel comfortable travelling to Vancouver. We also want to give researchers, whose projects have been put on hold due to COVID-19, more time to complete studies that they want to share with an international audience. As such we have shifted our conference dates, and look forward with excitement to hosting the 1st World International Science Conference in Vancouver, at the Sheraton Wall Centre on
August 18-20, 2022
Our conference theme, Occupational and Society: Global to Local Perspectives for the Future,will remain the same. We welcome the many new perspectives the current and evolving world circumstances will bring to this theme.
Stay tuned! Updates will appear on our conference website https://wosc.osot.ubc.ca/. Look for more information on abstract submissions, registration, accommodation, and more beginning in the spring of 2021. Anyone with questions, requiring more information, or wishing to volunteer with the conference my contact us at WOSC.2022@ubc.ca.
We invite contributions from around the world for all those interested in the conference theme and the discipline of occupational science.
Susan Forwell, UBC, Dept. Head & WOSC Chair
Suzanne Huot, UBC, WOSC Vice-Chair, ISOS Liaison
Julia Henderson, UBC, WOSC Executive Director
Nadine Blankvoort, Amsterdam Univ. of Applied Sciences, ISOS President
Call for Abstracts
The call for abstracts will close on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 24.00 PST (Pacific Standard Time).
Submissions may be theoretical, educational, or research based.
There are three types of submissions:
Oral presentations will be approximately 15 minutes and will be followed by a question period
Poster presentations will be presented followed by a question period
Dialogic session will be interactive sessions of 55 minutes, where active participation and engagement is required