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Our History


November 2013
The 2013 Annual General Meeting was held on 27 November. Elections for 3 new Board members were required. Three nominations were received and accepted by the Board. Elections were not required. The new ISOS Board members are:

- Mona Eklund, Sweden
- Susan Forewell, Canada
- Tomoko Kondo, Japan

Pollie Price and Alison Wicks will each serve another 12 months on the Board

October 2013
On October 23, ISOS called for nominations for presentations at the workshop it is convening on day one of the Joint International Occupational Science Conference 16-18 October, 2014, in Minnesota, USA.

ISOS members were invited to nominate to present at this workshop on International connections in the study of occupation.

ISOS Board members, Eric Asaba and Alison Wicks, are members of the Scientific Committee for this conference being organized jointly by CSOS, SSO and ISOS.


March 2013
The ISOS website was revised with the assistance of Diego Cifuentes


October 2012

The 2012 Annual General Meeting was held on 1 October. No elections were required.

September 2012

The ISOS Facebook was launched on 25 September.


May 2012

Karolinska Institute and ISOS collaborated to convene a workshop in Stockholm . Incorporating diverse ideas into the Occupational Therapy curricula – a dialogue between teachers, clinicians and studetns. Eric Asaba was the Chair and the keynote speakers were Jeanne Jackson (Ireland), Virginia Dickie (USA) Alison Wicks (Australia) and Hans Jonsson (Sweden). About 80 people participated.

March 2012

A chapter about ISOS was published in a text book on occupational science.. Wicks, A (2012). The International Society for Occupational Science: facilitating development of occupational science through international networks and intercultural dialogue. In C. Hocking & G, Whiteford (eds), Critical perspectives in occupational science: Society, inclusion, participation. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. 163-183. ISBN -13: 978-1-4443-3316-9; ISBN-10: 1-4443-3316-X


October 2011

The 2011 Annual General Meeting was held on 15 October. There were no elections required. A revised version of the ISOS Constitution was accepted by the membership in an online poll.


September 2011

The third online google group discussion was held. The facilitator was Dr. Moses Ikiugu, from University of North Dakota, USA. The title of the discussion was "Occupation and Climate Change".


April 2011

The second online google group discussion was held. The facilitator was Dr. Hans Jonsson, from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The title of the discussion was "Naming and Framing Occupation".


Sponsor as of Autumn 2010


October 2010

Two ISOS Board members, Debbie Rudman and Alison Wicks, conducted a workshop at the CSOS-SSO:USA conference held in London, Ontario. A meeting between the executive members of SSO:USA and the two ISOS Board members was also held during this conference. The aim of the meeting was to explore ways tha+t ISOS and SSO could collaborate.

The inaugural online discussion on the ISOS google group was facilitated by Dr Ruth Zemke, from the USA. The title of the discussion was "Occupational Patterns in Time and Space".


The annual general meeting was held on 31 October. The new Board members, elected for a three year term, were:

- Eric Asaba – Sweden, Japan

- Roshan Galvaan – South Africa

- Pollie Price – USA

- Robin Stadnyk – Canada

- Alison Wicks – Australia


July 2010

In collaboration with the Chilean Society for the Study of Occupation (CSSO), ISOS convened an international meeting at the WFOT Congress, held in Santiago, Chile.

Approximately 40 people from 16 countries attended. The attendees were representatives of various national occupational science societies, institutional members and other relevant organizations. Previous Board members were also present. The focus of the meeting was enhancing networking and collaboration in occupational science.

In addition, ISOS conducted a workshop for about 70 congress participants. The aims of the workshop were to: explore ways forward in maximizing collaboration of occupational science and occupational therapy; stimulate ideas for global networks for fostering occupation-based programs, practices and research; and provide examples of how occupational science is currently contributing to occupational therapy education and practice


February 2010

The new name for ISOS, International Society for Occupational Science Incorporated was officially ratified by the NSW Office of Fair Trading on 5 February.

A rejuvenated ISOS website, offering members access to Google Group discussion and the convenience of making donations / contributions using the PayPal. Some pages on the website are available in Spanish.


December 2009

By the end of 2009, 6 institutions had responded to the invitation to become institutional supporters of ISOS by making a financial contribution.

- Karolinska Institute, Sweden
- Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
- University of East Anglia, UK
- University of Newcastle, Australia
- University of Wollongong, Australia
- York St John University, UK


30 September 2009

The Annual General Meeting was held electronically on 30 September.


7-10 July 2009

ISOS supported the Occupational Justice Symposium and Occupational Justice Think Tank, held in Cape Town South Africa and convened by Health Sciences, University Cape Town.


December 2008

ISOS reviewed and renewed its agreement with JOS.

28 - 29 November 2008

The ISOS President conducted a one day workshop, presented the keynote address and participated in panel discussions at the Inaugural Taiwan Occupational Science Symposium.


25 September 2008

ISOS collaborated with ECOTROS and ENOTHE to conduct a one day occupational science workshop in Berlin. Three of the ISOS Board and three ISOS members were involved in the workshop. The workshop was held prior to the 14th ENOTHE meeting.


8 September 2008

The Annual General meeting was held electronically.


3 September 2008

Two Special Resolutions were passed by the ISOS membership:

  1. that the Board consist of 5 members, rather than 3, as was stipulated in the original Constitution

  2. that the name of ISOS be changed to International Society for Occupational Science


July 2008

An article titled “The International Occupational Science Thinks Tanks: Catalysts for developing occupational science internationally” was published in the German journal ergoscience


June 2008

ISOS undertook an electronic survey of members using Survey Monkey.

A new public website for ISOS was launched:


May 2008

On May 24, three ISOS Board members participated in the ECOTROS workshop at the 8th European Congress of Occupational Therapy held in Hamburg. The Congress was convened by COTEC. The aim of the workshop was to develop a European Occupational Science research agenda. Planning for the ISOS/ECOTROS/ENOTHE workshop to be held in September in Berlin also took place.


October 2007

As the term of the Interim Board had expired, a call was made for nominees for a new Board. An election was subsequently held. The new Board members, elected for a three year term, were:

- Alison Wicks – President

- Eric Asaba – Vice President - Promotions

- Hans Jonsson – Vice President, Administration

- Debbie Rudman – Secretary

- Erna Imperatore Blanche – Treasurer


July 2007

The Way Forward Plan for ISOS, developed by the Interim ISOS Executive, was announced

May 2007

Karolinska Institute (KI) became the third institutional member of ISOS.

ISOS became a member of the ENOTHE MUNDUS network.

ENOTHE applied for funding support to conduct a one day workshop on occupational science at the


May 2008

European Congress being organised by COTEC.

April 2007

ISOS convened the Second International Occupational Science Think Tank (TT2) on Catalina Island, USA. TT2 was hosted and sponsored by the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California.

Dr Florence Clark resigned as Vice President of ISOS.

The 29 TT2 participants became members of ISOS and supported a proposal to rejuvenate ISOS. The new members elected an Interim ISOS Executive to develop a plan to take ISOS forward:

- Eric Asaba, Japan
- Erna Blanche, USA
- Hans Jonsson, Sweden
- Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Canada
- Alison Wicks, Australia – Chair

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